Intuitive Group Work (solve shadow fields of all kinds)
Each "shadow field" provides insights into the inner self, one's own habits, patterns, programs and family imprints of a person, including past lives (blockages, whether reflected or resonated in the client himself or in their environment, are stored in the energy field,... including the pure energy inside the shadow field). Systems can be companies, families, partnerships, the human body itself (organs, blood, skin, intestines, etc.), houses as well as objects of all kinds and professional careers (e.g. decision-making about school, studies or other further paths).
Shadow work serves the development of one's own potential, the merging of body (mind-heart-soul), or in short, the return of life force. The client can observe the current situation they are in and how this situation can be resolved/clarified. It is clear to see how it appears at the beginning and how it has changed after the shadow work has been completed.
Procedure for shadow work
In this type of work, the participants come to my seminar with their concerns. Even before arriving in my seminar room, the client (whose soul is wise) may already be showing initial reactions, such as headaches, discomfort, swollen feet etc.. There is no need to worry because these circumstances will disappear in the course of the shadow work.
Every participant can bring up their concerns. :-) and more gg
In my shadow work seminars, the events develop step by step anyway, as I take the said concern to heart and yet also pay attention to the highest well-being of the person/soul. It very often happens that there is something more important to do for this person and their soul than they touch with their original formulation, whereby their own bright spiritual companions (soul/spirit of origin) always communicate what needs to be done. In this way, each individual person can be accompanied for their own highest well-being.
The client phrases his/her request, then chooses two representatives from the participating people, one for themselves and one for the field/issue to be worked on, works on his/her request and is able to watch their issues resolve in a before/after comparison.
"Why is a representative for yourself useful if you are present?", you will probably ask yourself.
Quite simply, you know your own life story very well, including all your fears, traumas, interpersonal situations and much more. By now you are very familiar with it and know how to deal with it. You don't need to think about it - all the pain, emotions, images and thoughts that have been lodged in your subconscious for years are immediately there again as soon as the same or similar situation arises. Out of fear of change, you now unconsciously try to block what could now be resolved with the help of shadow work.
When shadow work begins, some situations often look overwhelming. However, this is the current state of affairs but there is no need to worry because the client attends the seminar to change something. I ask all customers to take a look at what is happening NOW (in the form of the two selected representations) so that a before-and-after comparison can be made once the work is done. Afterwards everyone is pleased to see how well they have worked. The "now" or should I say the end result is important and always feels soooo good :-)
Generally, shadow work offers quick access to the core of a problem and its solutions. The intense physical/emotional experience is phenomenal, both in the problem and in the solution. This makes shadow work a very effective tool.
Full of light and energy are those who realize that we are much more than we could ever see in the mirror :-D
Please note that we are no English native speakers. As we're still in the starting phase of learning this language there's only a limited possibility to host shadow work seminars in English. If you are still interested, please do not hesitate to contact me and we will find a solution :-)