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Card house of life - radionic harmonization of the previous lifetime

The card house of life offers the possibility to renew our roots from the ground up
starting with the conception. Because not quite optimal circumstances or feelings at conception can subsequently influence our growth and our whole further life.


Every piece of information, e.g. what we eat, drink, feel, speak, hear and experience, including our genetic cell memory and the experiences of our ancestors, is stored on the cell wall and leaves behind a memory trace, an energy imprint and vibrational information.


Did you know that we have 70 - 97 trillion cells? Even the largest storage medium invented by humans so far cannot keep up with that.


The card house of life gives us the unique opportunity to harmonize or balance the blockages and traumas that have already arisen unconsciously at the time of our conception, during our pregnancy, birth and in the years we have lived.


Thereby it is possible for all of us, who are allowed to experience the gift of this transmission, to free many talents and abilities, which have already arisen in the course of life, which are lacking, underdeveloped or blocked, and many more.


Life is like a house of cards, if it stands on a stable foundation it can weather any storm without buckling. However, if the foundation is unstable, a breeze is enough to break the house down.


It is another opportunity to increasingly promote our wholeness, harmonizing one facet after another. Blocked energy has again the possibility of development.

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